Our small groups has been invented to provide a unique way for church goers to connect with each other, outside the Sunday service. You cannot possibly get connected or meet knew people on a Sunday, as our service is just too big. That is why we encourage everyone to get involved in a small group ministry of which there our hundreds around town. You’ll from deep friendships and learn to do live together with other believers.
Our women’s ministry is led by Angela Overstreet who has served passionately for the last 30 years as our women’s coordinator. Angela is full of the Spirit of the Lord and heads up this dynamic group. Countless lives have been changed through this women’s ministry and you will be blessed to join. The group gathers every third Thursday of the month from 7pm – 9pm at the church building. Childcare is provided so you can come and relax in the presence of the Lord.
Kickstart, our Young Adult group is over the top excited to meet you. Come see what hundreds of kids from all over town flock to this Friday night event. They rather choose to spend time with Jesus and other kids, than hang out anywhere else. It has become one of our leading ministry hear at City of Hope and something we’ve very proud of. God has been moving amongst the young people in a supernatural way.
Our married couples are so important to us, as we know how hard marriage is. We make sure to provide a parent couple to each married couple that could help and lead them on their way of unity and purity. God puts marriage in high priority and we at City of Hope believe it to. If you are married and you are looking to connect with other married couples, this group is perfect for you.
Our men’s Bible Study group has been going for 20 years strong, and our guys walk and live close to the Lord. Our men’s Bible Study takes place at 7:00am on Wednesday mornings, providing guys the right way to start their work day. It’s a time of fellowship, worship, prayer and accountability and our guys love it. If you want to connect with other Godly men, this is the group for you!
Our over 50 group is special in every way. No one is old at 50, and that they know very well. In fact, we are all jealous of the amazing things this group does and take part in. They are amazing believers that has been walking this road with God for many years, and many of them are mentors to other young men and woman in the congregation.