Historical Information provided by Mary Ellen Holmes, Historian, at the ECBA 75th Annual Meeting
Today we celebrate the establishment of East Cullman Baptist Association seventy-five years ago and the faithfulness God instilled in His people throughout those years. I was only three years old at the time, but later, I recall my parents being involved in the work of the Association. I knew two of the original officers: the director, Virgil Sizemore and the clerk, James Denney. I remember Bro.Sizemore and his wife, Rachel visiting at my home when I was a child. Bro. Denney was an in-law in my mother’s family.
Cullman County Baptist Association, begun in 1883, had grown to 92 member churches in 1946. Therefore, it was decided that dividing into west and east associations could make the work of the association have greater impact on the people of the county. Seventy-five years ago on December 3, 1946, 176 delegates from forty-seven Baptist churches east of Highway 31 met at Simcoe Baptist Church to form the East Cullman Baptist Association. The number of member churches today is 51.
There have been 6 Directors of Mission in the Association: Virgil Sizemore,
A home for the Associational Missionary and his family with attached office was built in Holly Pond. It served the Association for many years. In 1997 an office was leased for the Association in the East Park Shopping Center. In 1998 the Associational Missionary home and office were offered for sale and the decision was made to purchase property on which to construct permanent office facilities. These facilities, located on Highway 157, were built in 1999.
Over the years, many directors have been secured to lead various programs in the Association. The directors along with committee members have conducted activities to strengthen the churches and their members and provide circumstances conducive to the Holy Spirit’s leading of the lost to faith in Jesus Christ. The work of the Association exists to bring glory and honor to God the Father.
Among the many programs of the Association are the Children’s Home, Disaster Relief, Construction Mission Work Trip, Evangelism, Historical, Mission Projects of Churches, Nursing Home, Music, Prime Time Singers, Senior Adult Ministry, VBS, WMU/Men’s Ministry, Youth, and Baptist Campus Ministry.Depicted in the slide show are pictures of Annual Meetings, Christmas in August events, Day Camps for children, Senior Adult activities, youth activities, Mission Work Trips, Disaster Relief work, tent revivals, Prime Time Singers, VBS, church mission projects, and a truckload of food for the Children’s Home. One noteworthy picture is of a long line waiting outside to register at an annual meeting held at Hanceville First Baptist Church. Good thing it wasn’t raining that day!I hope you enjoy reliving happy times in the life of our Association as we view this show.